Warming articles

We are doing our favorite business. Work means for us a part of our life that is fantastically interesting and not very easy.

All the production stages are under our control:

  • production of yarn comprising camel's wool or alpaca and obtained from raw materials that we purchase, said yarn being manufactured in accordance with our technical requirements including parameters of quality, grade, length, fineness and chromatic range;
  • the latex or polyester thread used in the manufacture of elastic jersey fabric satisfies our particular requirements to quality and physicotechnical indices;
  • the looms that bind the elastic jersey fabric are manufactured and adapted according to our technical assignment;
  • the line of finishing the elastic jersey fabric has no analogs in the world since it has been manufactured as a single specimen according to our technical assignment.

All the above mentioned conditions of manufacturing the elastic jersey fabric enable us to sew (to stitch) with it our exclusive product such as the elastic warming bandages with a massage effect (a belt, a knee brace, an elbow brace) comprising camel's wool or alpaca. To provide the rehabilitation of sportsmen, WOOLGALAXY® Company has specifically designed elastic warming bandages with a massage effect (onto the shin, shoulder joint, hand, ankle) containing camel's wool or alpaca with given operational and technical properties.

One more important element that we usually forget to mention is the prevention of diseases. Still Hippocrates declared: "A disease is easier to prevent than to treat". It is quite possible that your problems appeared one "nice" day when you had been supercooled or your job or spare time were bound to your stay under unfavorable conditions. In all these and similar cases, the warming elastic belts with camel's wool WOOLGALAXY® can be of profit while protecting against acute diseases that change to chronic ones in most cases. It is simply sufficient to not forget them when you find yourself under conditions unfavorable for your body.

Unfortunately, diseases of the knee joints, of the back as well of the small pelvis organs can attend you suddenly and in an unpleasant way at any age. There is nothing so bad than to stay alone with these troublesome illnesses when you literally can not “bow down or straighten up”, you can not “sit down or stand up”, while the sensations in the case of cystitis or prostatitis are impossible to describe. In this case, worsening of the quality of life is inevitable. Diseases of the back are quite diversified from a simple rheumatism or radiculitis to absolutely serious cases such as a diskal hernia. Multiplicity of diseases that can catch napping at illnesses of the small pelvis is spectacular: various cystitis, prostatitis, parovarium inflammation, kidney inflammation and many others. Knee joints can prepare for you still more various unpleasant surprises: arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism.

In this case, it is extremely important to not neglect the illness, you have to contact specialists, to alleviate the progress of the illness, to start treatment in a combined therapy with methods that practically do not require any effort for your part! Such methods comprise, among other things, wearing an elastic warming belt or knee brace comprising camel’s wool WOOLGALAXY®.